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Welcombe Avenue, Park North, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 2QN
01793 342342



Our curriculum is built around the National curriculum and the EYFS foundation stage statutory framework. The curriculum is taught through discrete subjects, with links between subjects made where meaningful.   

At the heart of our curriculum the following threads run through: 

  • Developing pupil’s reading, language and vocabulary 
  • Securing and building knowledge 
  • Caring for ourselves and others (healthy choices, safe choices, caring for the local and global environment) 
  • Making a positive contribution (inspirational people, how the taught curriculum subjects contribute to the world, upholding values) 
  • Experiences, visits and visitors that enhance the curriculum and build on children’s cultural capital. 

Please contact Simon Gale, (head@goddardpark.co.uk) if you would like any further information about our Curriculum