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01793 342342



At Goddard Park Primary School, we are passionate about giving the children the very best opportunities to develop their skills in writing, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and speaking and listening. We reinforce the notion that we are all writers. We understand how, through writing and talking, children can further their learning, strengthen their relationships and make better sense of the world around them.

For each writing genre, every year group will have a high-quality example text to focus on and they will follow the following process:


Immerse --> Analyse --> Plan --> Write


Through linking our writing to other areas of the curriculum across the school, our teachers strive to make writing meaningful and purposeful. We enhance writing opportunities by providing stimulating engagement opportunities, real life experiences and school trips. We model and share our own writing in order to support children with their learning.


Below you can see which genres will be covered as the children progress through the year groups at Goddard Park Primary School.


writing genres.pdf


writing spag.pdf