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Welcombe Avenue, Park North, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 2QN
01793 342342

Religous Education

Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of Religious Education. Please speak to the class teacher or school office if you require further details.

The values implicit in the RE curriculum at Goddard Park are consistent with and promote, the principles. of a democratic, multi-cultural society. Currently Discovery RE is taught in each year group

RE at Goddard Park will encourage in children a willingness to respect other people. We seek to help children explore and begin to understand the practices of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism and where appropriate, other world religions. Our RE seeks to enable all children to learn about a variety of religious beliefs and practices and be able to compare these with each other, and relate these to their own life experiences.

RE at Goddard Park will help children to meet people who are religious believers, in order to appreciate that, to believers, faith in God is important and that this belief affects every day life. The RE encourages children to develop attitudes and values which will promote self respect, respect for others, a willingness to appreciate other faiths and cultures, respect for the natural world and sensitivity towards the mystery which underlies human experience.

RE at Goddard Park will give children the opportunity to reflect on and clarify their own developing beliefs, values, skills and attitudes. It will also contribute towards the development of an inner-strength in each child, which will help them cope with fear or disappointment, frustration or sorrow.

Religious Education at Goddard Park is valued and taught to all pupils unless a specific request has been made by a parent or guardian for the pupils withdrawal from the subject. In R.E the children will begin to understand how this affects the School community.

The agreed focus of RE at Goddard Park is to help children to:

  • Be more tolerant of each other
  • Develop mutual respect
  • Discuss difficult questions
