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Welcombe Avenue, Park North, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 2QN
01793 342342

School Uniform



Uniform Policy

When children are in school they are part of a community and by wearing a simple school uniform we hope to promote a feeling of equality, partnership and belonging. All children are therefore required to wear school uniform, which should be clearly marked with their name.

 The school colours and clothing are as follows:

                        Purple school sweatshirt or cardigan

                        Dark grey skirt or trousers

                        Purple School polo shirt

                        Black flat shoes (not trainers)

                        Purple and white gingham dress in the summer (optional)

The School P.E kits consists of the following items:

                      Gold PE Shirt 

                      Black PE shorts

                      Daps or trainers

 For Health and Safety reasons jewellery is not permitted with the exception of small plain stud earrings.


Reception children need to have their P.E kit in school at all times.  It should be taken home on a Friday so that it can be washed and returned on Monday morning. Other year groups will wear their P.E kits into school on their P.E days.


The school keeps a stock of pre-loved uniform so please contact the school office who can advise you of what is available.

To improve choice for parents buying logoed Goddard Park school uniform, we have added to the number of suppliers available. This will increase value as suppliers compete for your business. We are not able to recommend one supplier over another so I would advise you to look closely at each website when deciding which to use. Each supplier has different pricing and delivery options. I have attached leaflets from each supplier for information.

please note that uniform items without a logo can be purchased from any retail outlet.

Goddard Park Logo uniform suppliers:
PMG Schoolwear - website: www.pmgschoolwear.co.uk  PMG Price List 2023.pdf
Price and Buckland - website: www.price-buckland.co.uk Price and Buckland Price List 2023.pdf
Uniform Direct - website: www.uniform-direct.com Uniform Direct Price List 2023