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Welcombe Avenue, Park North, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 2QN
01793 342342

Swimming starts after Christmas

Children in Year 3 will begin their swimming lessons at the Link Centre after Christmas.  Children will swim for one hour every day for 1 weeks.


Newt Class-Week beginning 8th January

Magpie Class- Week beginning 15th January

Bramble Class- Week beginning 22nd January

The children will be transported by minibus for their lessons. Due to the traffic getting to the Link Centre each morning children will need to be in school by 8.20am each day they are swimming. We will be registering the children in The Nest so please bring them to the Year 6 door (by the front entrance) at 8.20am.

Children who are late will miss that day’s lesson.

We are subsidising the cost of the lessons, as we believe learning to swim is vital for all children so there will be no cost to parents for swimming lessons.

To help speed up the changing before the lesson, please can your children come to school with their swimming clothes on underneath their uniforms and spare underwear in their bags.

Swimming Kit

Boys- Swimming trunks (must be trunks and not shorts and above the knee) towel, swimming cap

Girls- Swimming costume, (bikinis are not appropriate), towel, swimming cap

Learning to swim is an important part of the National Curriculum. This model will focus on water safety and children build upon skills learnt each day, developing water confidence.

Thank you for your support and if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.