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Welcombe Avenue, Park North, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 2QN
01793 342342

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

The Year 5 Team

Miss Dolphin- Lark Class Teacher (Class 16)

Miss Verratti - Bluebell Class Teacher (Class 17)

Mrs Harrison / Mrs Vellender (HLTA) - Wren Class Teacher (Class 18)

Support Staff - Mrs Croom 


The Year 5 team can be contacted by email at our year group email address: year5@goddardpark.co.uk

PE Day

P.E for year 5 is a Thursday. Please come into school in your P.E kit. 


Homework is sent home on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.

Please ensure your child has their reading book in school every day.  Your child will benefit from reading every evening with an adult. Children will have access to books from our school library aswell as books for fluency practice.

Children across the school have access to Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed to practise their times tables and spellings. Please encourage your children to practise at home regularly.







Year 5 News


Monday 4th March, we are going to Lawn Manor on a trip. Please give permission on parent pay - it is in normal school hours.

Year 5 Blog

Stars of the Week


Stars of the Week - T4  W1